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Apex Tool Group used FaaS® to automate the manufacture of toolboxes in their robot cell.  Our designer included pneumatic clamps into the fixture.

Click on the image for a larger view.

Apex Website

Gilbert manufacture heavy equipment for industries including forestry and construction. This FaaS® project used 0.25" material for the heavy-weight part and "gripper points" to offset the fixture from the part surface. These radii - spaced along the fixture blade peripheries - allow for any adjustment that may be necessary and less friction/heat transfer between the weldment and fixture.

Click on the image for a larger view.

Gilbert Website
Click here for reasons to use FaaS
​Camtek’s unique fixture generation process is available as a service - “Fixture-as-a-Service” (FaaS®) - for quick and cost-effective weld/check fixtures. Our design and manufacture group will consult with you via a web meeting to learn about your fixture needs and processes in order to propose a partial or full fixture to suit your production or prototyping needs.

After receiving your models, we will send you solid models of your fixture and 2D DXF files for cutting on your own or your subcontractor's laser or waterjet.

Our process accepts solid models from a range of popular CAD systems and formats including IGES, Solidworks, SolidEdge, Inventor, CATIA, Pro Engineer, STEP and Unigraphics/NX.

Traditional hard-tooling fixturing can often be a bottleneck. Camtek’s “blade approach” saves significant cost and reduces lead times.

Click the tile to the left to download a PDF of the FaaS Service Datasheet.


The button below links to a PDF outlining the considerations/checklist when making a Nucleo fixture.
Checklist PDF

Fixture Intake

Click the tile below to open the PDF in your browser or use the button to download it. We ask to be completed when submitting a part for FaaS.

Intake PDF

Part Upload

Complete the form below to submit models (in a ZIP file).
