Technical Support Desk Hours of Operation: Mon-Thu 8 AM - 5 PM, Fri 8 AM - 1 PM. Sales 8 AM - 5PM. Eastern Standard Time

Customers who hold a current Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) may click the Customer Portal button below to log in to submit tickets. You can also email us here to automatically raise a ticket.
Nucleo Training 101
Nucleo V2022 Quick Start video.
This quick-intro video is 31 minutes long. A copy of the box model file can be downloaded from the Downloads page.
The video below is a recording of an actual training session, it is just over 1 and 1/2 hours long. This is a typical initial training session.
Cutting your first fixture involves considering several variables and factors to achieve success. We’ve outlined the process in the PDF below - it serves as a good foundation towards making the learning curve as short as possible. Click the tile below to open it in your browser or click the button to download it.
A brief video outlining the installation of a Network License is shown below.
Additional Downloads are available upon request for our existing clients.
The download site requires a password for access.
Please email our Support Team for instructions.
"How To" Videos

See us at Capital Machine's Dallas, TX Open House, July 19th-22nd.